- The Hindu (Chennai), Thursday DEC 18 & DEC 22, 2014, “While his guitar gently sings“, “Dutch musician Martin van Hees’ classical guitar concert showcased the poetry and rich timbre of the Masters”
- The Hindu (Bangalore), Interview with Dutch classical guitarist, Martin Van Hees , “Lyrical, beautiful and warm”
- Timescity, Events in Bangalore, Martin van Hees: Live in Concert
- The times of India (Hyderabad Times), “On a mission to promote Western Classical music”
- The New Indian Express , Interview with Martin van Hees, Hyderabad, India
- Linie in Lictherlaaie, 20 April 2014

- Lions Clubs Nederland, Winnaar van Euroconcours Gitaar – Nederland selectie – Winner of Euro Concours Guitar, National level